Episode Photos
Rüdiger Bieler, Ph.D. conducting his research on the Vandenberg wreck.
The tentacles of a Vandy worm-snail (Thylcodes vandyensis) sticking out of its tube.
The feeding web of a Vandy worm-snail (Thylacodes vandyensis) spread out of its tube.
The strings of mucous that the Vandy worm-snail uses to filter feed, coming out of its tube.
Billy Causey, Ph.D. being interviewed by the Changing Seas crew, Producer Véronique Koch, Director of Photography Sean Hickey and Production Assistant Kristin Paterakis.
Director of Photography Sean Hickey getting a post-dive interview with Petra Sierwald, Ph.D. and Rüdiger Bieler, Ph.D., with the help of Kristin Paterakis.
Videographer Allan Farrell getting the post-dive reactions from Rüdiger Bieler, Ph.D. and Petra Sierwald, Ph.D.
Director of Photography Sean Hickey filming Rüdiger Bieler, Ph.D. as he searches for worm-snails on the Adolphus Busch wreck.
Rüdiger Bieler, Ph.D. showing a worm-snail he collected with a permit on the Adolphus Busch wreck.
Rüdiger Bieler, Ph.D. examining the specimens he collected underwater in the Mote Marine Lab on Summerland Key.
Changing Seas crew films Rüdiger Bieler, Ph.D. showing the specimens he collected underwater in the Mote Marine Lab on Summerland Key.
Director of Photography Sean Hickey working hard against strong currents to get the perfect macro shot of the Vandy worm-snail (Thylacodes vandyensis).
Director of Photography Sean Hickey working hard against strong currents to get the perfect macro shot of the Vandy worm-snail (Thylacodes vandyensis).
A small Vandy worm-snail (Thylacodes vandyensis) (seen covered in red sponge) next to orange cup coral.
A Vandy worm-snail (Thylacodes vandyensis) extracted from its shell.
Rüdiger Bieler, Ph.D. at the electron microscope in the Field Museum in Chicago, while Sean Hickey sets up the shot.
Sean Hickey films Petra Sierwald, Ph.D. and Rüdiger Bieler, Ph.D. in the Mote Marine Lab on Summerland Key as they collect organisms from the ARMS (Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures.)
Producer Véronique Koch interviews Jim Bohnsack, Ph.D. at the NOAA Southeast Fisheries Science Center.
Producer Véronique Koch wheeling a specimen cart full of camera gear through Stanley Field Hall at the Field Museum in Chicago.
Videographers Jeremy Nicholson and Sean Hickey film Petra Sierwald, Ph.D. in the collections of the Field Museum in Chicago.
Public relations director for the Field Museum Jaclyn Johnston tells Sean Hickey about the history of this natural history museum.
A Vandy worm-snail (Thykacodes vandyensis) pulling in its feeding web.
Director of Photography Sean Hickey carefully filming the Vandy worm-snail (Thylacodes vandyensis) with a special macro set up.
A darker color morph of the Vandy worm-snail (Thylacodes vandyensis) with its mucous web extended.
Looking down the tube of a Vandy worm-snail (Thylacodes vandyensis).
Director of Photography Sean Hickey filming Rüdiger Bieler, Ph.D. and Petra Sierwald, Ph.D. on the Adolphus Busch, looking for exotic worm-snails.
Videographer Allan Farrell checking out the camera between shoots.
Producer Véronique Koch looking for worm-snails among the encrusting organisms on the Vandenberg wreck.