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Episode 401: Tracking Tigers

Sharks are beleaguered species. The oceans’ most formidable apex predators are overfished worldwide for their fins, which are considered a delicacy in many Asian countries. Shark populations have declined by up to 90 percent in some cases. But much is still unknown about the animals. Tiger sharks in particular display behaviors that are not well understood. Known to travel long distances, these fish have a broad diet and spend time in shallow, near-shore habitats as well as the depths of the open ocean. Scientists use satellite tags and DNA forensic tools to better understand their migration patterns. Such information is crucial for resource managers to make more informed fisheries management decisions in the future.


Meet the experts featured in this episode.

Special Thanks:


Squalo North Miami Beach Divers
16604 NE 2nd Ave
North Miami Beach, FL 33162
(305) 940-0927


Central Broward Construction, Inc.
931 N.W. 53rd Court
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309
(954) 491-2772


Moss & Associates
(855) 360-MOSS
Miller Construction Company
(954) 764-6550

Image Credits

Changing Seas would like to thank the following individuals and institutions who kindly allowed their footage, images and other media to be used in this production:

George Schellenger

Jim Abernethy

Guy Harvey

Shawn Heinrichs

Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation


Shark Foundation
Alexander Godknecht, Ph.D.

Mark the Shark

NOAA Office of Law Enforcement

Shelley Clarke, Ph.D.

Special Thanks:

Bob Moss

George L. Hanbury II, Ph.D

Jeff Izanec

John Santulli

Justin Lord

Norman Welter

Richard Dodge, Ph.D.

Wendy Wood-Derrer

Web Extras

Tiger Shark Tagging in the Bahamas                 

Funding for this episode of Changing Seas was provided by:

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