Episode 703: Billfish: Battle on the Line?
Along Central America’s coastline, ranging from Guatemala south to Panama, recreational fishing is big business. The unique oceanographic conditions of the eastern tropical Pacific make the area one of the best spots in the world for big game anglers to hook billfish. But intense pressures from commercial fishing operations have taken their toll on the numbers of sailfish and marlin in the region. Scientists with the University of Miami Billfish Research Program are using an ecosystems approach to study the animals, by integrating complex oceanographic data with high tech research tools. The ultimate goal is to develop local and region-wide conservation initiatives that ensure billfish populations remain sustainable for years to come.
Meet the experts featured in this episode.

Special Thanks:
Casa Vieja Lodge
Puerto San José, Guatemala
US Address:
9024 SW 152nd Street
Palmetto Bay, FL 33157
1 (800) 882-4665
Crocodile Bay Resort
Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
US Address:
1250 North McDowell
Petaluma, CA 94954
1 (800) 733-1115
Dragin Fly
Los Suenos Marina, Costa Rica
George Beckwith Jr.
(252) 671-3474
1 (800) 378-1965
Zing Products, Inc.
12 Kendrick Road
Wareham, MA 02571
(508) 295-2444
Image Credits
Changing Seas would like to thank the following individuals and institutions who kindly allowed their footage, images and other media to be used in this production:
Manoel Cifuentes
Fish Tank Sportfishing
Sierra Goodman
The Divine Dolphin
Guy Harvey
Chris Jessen
José Moya
Melisa Ramirez
Capt. Chris Sheeder
UM Billfish Research Program
Special Thanks:
Elisa Badillo Abascal
Jose Alvarenga
Juan Carlos Alvarenga
Anna Beckwith
Ashley Bretecher
Yuri Carranza
Manoel Cifuentes
Flavio Del Pino
Luis Diaz
Sridevi Eppili
Christopher Franco
Gerardo “Chicho” Guadamuz
Rocio Guido
Maria Hechavarria
Franz Hoffman
Gwen Junod
Robert E. Lee, Jr.
Christopher Lynch
Thomas McGuinness
Kelly Perry
Sandra Ramírez
Karen Richason
Kristen Salazar
Chelsea Torres
Diana Udel
Sofía Valverde
Aitor Villegas
Funding for this episode of Changing Seas was provided by: