Episode 804: Beneath the Bridge
The Blue Heron Bridge in Riviera Beach, Florida, is known as one of the best shore dives in the United States. What appears as an unlikely dive site at first is home to a rich variety of marine life, ranging from sea horses to manta rays. A scientist from Florida Atlantic University is studying the two species of octopus that live here, to better understand how these animals can co-exist in one area without competing with each other. In addition, a group of dedicated underwater photographers is contributing to scientific knowledge by documenting the large number of nudibranchs, or sea slugs, that live beneath the bridge.
Meet the experts featured in this episode.

Linda Ianniello

Linda Ianniello

Linda Ianniello

Linda Ianniello

Linda Ianniello

Linda Ianniello

Linda Ianniello

Linda Ianniello

Linda Ianniello

Linda Ianniello

Linda Ianniello

Linda Ianniello

Linda Ianniello

Linda Ianniello

Changing Seas

Changing Seas

Sandra Edwards

Sandra Edwards

Sandra Edwards

Sandra Edwards

Sandra Edwards

Sandra Edwards

Changing Seas

Changing Seas

Changing Seas

Changing Seas

Changing Seas

David Sanchez
Special Thanks:
Force-E Scuba Centers
155 East Blue Heron Blvd
Riviera Beach, FL 33404
(561) 845-2333
Image Credits
Changing Seas would like to thank the following individuals and institutions who kindly allowed their footage, images and other media to be used in this production:
Chelsea Bennice
Anne DuPont
Sandra Edwards
Linda Ianniello
Jeff Nelson
Naples Daily News
Diane Randolph
David Sanchez
Gabrielle Winters
Special Thanks:
Jim Abernethy
Carolina Cuadra
Paula Echevarria
Christy Andreoni
Phyllis Man
Kelly King
Palm Beach County Film & Television Commission
Karen Richason
Web Extras
Funding for this episode of Changing Seas was provided by: